Welcome, mums, dads, busy professionals or tenants wanting to keep your rental property clean, to your ultimate guide to sprucing up your home with ease and a sprinkle of fun!

We know your time is precious, balancing the bustling joy of family life with the quiet (and sometimes rare) moments of me-time. That’s why we’ve compiled this treasure trove of cleaning lifehacks, designed to make your daily chores a breeze and leave you with more time for those who matter most.

From dusting baseboards with dryer sheets to deodorizing shoes overnight, these tips are not only practical but also incredibly satisfying to accomplish.

Looking for our vacate cleaning checklist? Click here.

Let’s get into it.

Our Top House Cleaning Lifehacks

  1. Dust baseboards with dryer sheets to repel dust.
  2. Clean window blinds with vinegar and water using an old sock.
  3. Deodorize shoes with baking soda overnight.
  4. Remove water rings from wood furniture with a hairdryer; moisturize with olive oil.
  5. Clean keyboards using a sticky note to pick up dust.
  6. Use a lint roller for cleaning lampshades.
  7. Polish stainless steel appliances with olive oil and vinegar.
  8. Polish silverware with a banana peel.
  9. Clean microwaves with heated water and lemon juice.
  10. Remove pet hair from furniture using damp rubber gloves.
  11. Use toothpaste to polish chrome fixtures.
  12. Deodorize cutting boards with lemon and salt.
  13. Treat grease stains on clothes with chalk before laundry.
  14. Clean coffee grinders with dry rice.
  15. Use crumpled aluminum foil as a scrubber for glass dishes.
  16. Refresh mattresses with baking soda, let sit, then vacuum.
  17. Clean glass cooktops with baking soda and vinegar.
  18. Use a squeegee on carpets to remove pet hair before vacuuming.
  19. Refresh dishwashers by running empty with a cup of vinegar.
  20. Use ice cubes to remove gum from carpets.
  21. Clean showerheads by soaking in vinegar overnight.
  22. Refresh smelly drains with baking soda and hot water.
  23. Use a rubber squeegee on shower doors for a streak-free finish.
  24. Clean oven racks in a bathtub with warm water, laundry detergent, and dryer sheets.
  25. Remove crayon marks with WD-40.
  26. Clean grout with a baking soda paste and a toothbrush.
  27. Use a pillowcase to clean ceiling fans without making a mess.
  28. Freshen up the fridge with a bowl of activated charcoal.
  29. Use white bread to pick up tiny glass shards.
  30. Polish wood surfaces with a mix of tea and olive oil.
  31. Remove ink stains with hand sanitizer.
  32. Clean windows with a mixture of water and cornstarch for streak-free shine.
  33. Use a tennis ball to remove scuff marks from floors.
  34. Clean and deodorize smelly bins with a sprinkle of baking soda at the bottom.
  35. Use vinegar and newspaper for streak-free window cleaning.
  36. Refresh wardrobes and drawers with homemade sachets filled with dried lavender.
  37. Use mouthwash to clean and disinfect toothbrush holders.
  38. Clean and sharpen blender blades by blending water and a drop of dish soap.
  39. Use cotton buds to clean hard-to-reach spots in electronics.
  40. Descale kettle with a mixture of water and vinegar, boil and let sit, then rinse.
  41. Use hair conditioner to clean and shine stainless steel.
  42. Deodorize and clean rubbish bins with a rinse of water and eucalyptus oil.
  43. Use a paint scraper to remove burnt-on residue on glass cooktops gently.
  44. Clean and refresh yoga mats with a spray of water, vinegar, and essential oils.
  45. Use old toothbrushes for detailed cleaning around taps and drains.

Wrapping Up Your Cleaning Checklist

As we wrap up our collection of clever cleaning hacks, we hope you’ve discovered some new tricks to refresh your home and simplify your cleaning routine.

Remember, every little effort counts towards creating a cozy, welcoming space for you and your loved ones. Whether it’s using an old sock to clean blinds or polishing wood with olive oil, these tips are all about making the most of what you have and finding joy in the little victories of a tidy home.

So, grab that banana peel or pillowcase, and let’s make regular home cleaning, vacate cleaning, or rent inspection cleaning less of a chore and more of a delight!